Saturday, November 21, 2009

Going to Bed

Our routine is not always set in stone for the most part. We might watch a video (parts of Mary Poppins, Sesame Street, Sound of Music), but every night before bed we read our stories in the big bed while Henry drinks his milk. He picks the books for the evening and we snuggle down in the big bed before retiring. He makes the appropriate sound effects, knows that the hairy old werewolf in Goodnight Goon says, "boo", and says it for us; and puts his finger against his lips while he says, "shhh" when the gorilla sneaks back into the zookeeper's house in Goodnight Gorilla. We read, in the order he feels the books should be read, usually keeping any new one for last since he knows what he likes, and then I say, "ready for bed?". When Kevin is here, he gives his hugs and kisses and calls out "bye bye" all the way out of the room. I turn on his nighttime cd, kiss him, and he says matter a factly, "bye bye", then snuggles down on his belly. I cover him and leave. And that's it.


There are rare occasions when it's not that easy, but for the most part, that's it. Sometimes this routine startles me. Isn't he supposed to cry, call out for me, delay the process in some way? Well, I suspect it will change in time, but for right now, I'll happily take this.

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