Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Horrible, Awful, No Good Day

posted by Stace

In a nutshell:
Kev picked up some overtime and I have had Henry duty for 4 days.
I got a doozy of a cold - from my lovely son who while ill giggled and nuzzled his face to mine while we made burping noises together. (It was really fun and the cold is totally worth it. I cannot say the same for the stomach virus he gave me 2 weeks ago, however.)

Henry skipped his first nap and screamed for an hour.
Changing his diaper all day has been a little like trying to get a strong hold on a wet seal as he squirms and scoots managing to get poop everywhere.
I found him emptying my cosmetic bag - don't know what to think of that, but I support his every endeavor, even if it means that he wears mascara.
He spit back most of his dinner - food he liked at lunchtime.
He smeared banana in his hair so I went to calling him "banana head" and wet washclothed his head telling him that we will call it a banana cream rinse...

He hollered while I was on the phone with the tax woman, who was taxing me.
He practiced moral superiority refusing to allow me to watch the tv as he continually pushes the power button off. (Some who have known me for years might say he is a chip off the ol block..)
I sang him to sleep:
Stars shinding number number oned, number two, number three, good nighd, by and by, by and by, good nighd/stars shinding number number fourd, number five, number six, goodnighd... while my nose made funny squeaking noises as I tried to breathe.

The only redeeming qualities of the day, other than a few nice phone calls (not including the tax woman), is that he ate a little of a gluten free chocolate muffin and signed "more" and "eat"; and while reading bedtime stories, we came to a line that talks about kisses and he leaned over to give me a kiss.

Which really made the day absolutely perfect in every possible way.

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