Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Henry – 6 months

Henry is eating “solids”, as seen in the photos. He just tried pureed carrots and wasn’t too sure about the texture, but later when they were mixed with milk and rice cereal, he gobbled all that was in the bowl. He plays with a sippie cup of water, and loves to suck on the rubber mouth piece, but doesn’t really care if he gets any water out of it or not.

As you can also see from some of the pictures, Daddy likes to put him on his feet and Henry gets a kick out of this. He will stand there sort of in a daze and then will look up at one of us and grin wide. It is similar to the surprised smile he gets after taking the rare opportunity to grab Clea as she saunters past – sort of mixed shock with glee and mischief.

For the life of me, I cannot believe that Henry is 6 months old! It seems like yesterday Kev and I were waiting out the contractions getting ready to go to the hospital that early Tuesday morning. Looking back, I have some advice: Try to sleep – you won’t, because it’s too darn exciting, but TRY. Whatever you do, don’t bother getting up to shower and do your hair – that was the silliest. Otherwise, it was just as we wanted it to be, which was really cool.

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