Monday, June 30, 2008

More of Henry

Honestly, I don’t have the time to write anything really profound. But to ensure that something gets out to our loyal readers – here are a few quick updates.

Henry is getting grabbier – reaching for the phone, finding things on the table he wants to hold or push around. His nuk falls out of his mouth and he will spend the next 5 minutes trying to grab and replug… sometimes it will be in correctly, sometimes not, then inevitably he will pull it right back out and have to reconnect all over again. He is pleasantly patient throughout the process.

He giggles and chuckles often now – particularly when being tickled on the insides of his thighs. Sometimes he giggles when he sees us doing something funny. Always, he responds to our smiles with big open mouth grins.

I yawned the other day and felt him put his foot gently into my mouth. He is pulling hair, grabbing my nose, holding his own bottle.

Our worst habit so far isn’t too bad – and I actually like it - mostly. When we lay him down for a nap, he prefers to be in the big bed snuggled up to us where we can lay head to head. The only downside is then he has to play with my nose and grab hair and parts of my face or clothes and shriek – with few plans of taking a nappie. He rubs his eyes and rolls toward us and eventually will fall asleep. Then we can transfer him to his crib.

He now sleeps in a big crib, no more the bassinet. He sucks his thumb sometimes, but is most devoted to his nuk, and when it nearby, but not in his mouth, he watches it closely.

He likes our kitty Clea and watches her closely, watches the tail closely, and pet her by himself the other day with a look that was a cross between uncertainty, glee, surprise, and total mischief.

He recently taught himself that he can make shrieking noises – not just babbling noises. When he chatters he will work his eyebrows and appear as though he is saying very important things. When he shrieks, he just shrieks – and he seems to really dig this.

He is super adorable.

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