Wednesday, January 16, 2008


by Stace
If I could wait and not have to continue working, maybe this would be tolerable. But I don't know for sure. I am ready to have this child!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I keep telling my clients that we are on for next week unless they hear otherwise, but all I want to do is quit, curl up on a sofa and read and sleep and wait and wait and wait and wait.

I am a little dilated and baby is head down, and the doc is encouraging me to squat, which I do, and then I wait. And wait. And nothing is happening. Oh, except that sleep is a mystery on most nights, turning over is a painful chore, and dressing is virtually impossible without being seated through most of the endeavor - which quite frankly, is quite a nice way to dress oneself if you plan ahead.

The bag is mostly packed - I keep thinking that if it is not totally packed, then Henry will arrive early and surprise me and, OH, wouldn't that be lovely albeit somewhat stressful that the bag isn't completely ready to go... but instead I have a mostly packed bag sitting in waiting.

So, that's where we're at. I will go chart, bill, bookkeep and WAIT and WAIT and WAIT and WAIT. I am told that I am no longer allowed to keep my "sailor mouth" ways, so in honor of all that is wonderful of the British, I say, "Buggah".

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