The Northfield Rambler

Monday, October 30, 2006

Almost carefree weekend....

posted by Kevin.....

Everyone hates Mondays. Not me. I'm usually off on Mondays, so I get to relax and recover from my hectic, workaholic weekends.

Actually, this weekend wasn't hectic at all. Stace and I had plans to go to St. Paul on Saturday, but we scrapped that, deciding instead we needed a weekend home to ourselves.

On Saturday, I worked on our bathroom remodeling a bit, while Stace finished up Thank You cards to our wedding guests. As I built up unbelievable amounts of drywall dust in the bathroom, Stace would occasionally yell, "Come sign this please!" I later placed a large fan in the window to reduce the thick dust to more believable amounts.

With white smoke pouring out of our bathroom window, it appeared Northfield had finally elected a new pope. We then decided to end the day with a couple of pints at the Contented Cow.

Stace divided up Sunday between shopping and working from home on the computer while I worked on the Black and Tan bike project in the shop. But disaster disrupted the harmony briefly when I dropped a freshly painted bike fender on the ground.

I believe the feeling I felt was similar to when a parent drops their newborn baby on the garage floor for the first time. (Am I right, Mom?)

"Oh, honey. It's okay. Just redo it." Stace said when she saw the fender.
"No it's ruined! I'm gonna smash it and throw it in the trash!" I said jokingly.
"Well, at least you're coping with it well." Stace said with a smile.

After refinishing the fender, we walked downtown to the Goodbye Blue Monday coffeeshop. It was sunny and 60 degrees. While we sat on a corner downtown sipping coffee, our friend Ken rode up on his bike. I asked him about his bicycling trip to Italy last month. He told us wonderful stories about the magnificent old homes where they stayed, the beautiful Tuscan scenery, and welcoming Italian people.

(Stace and I went to Wisconsin last month, but I didn't bring that up.)

Today it will be 65 degrees! I have this huge list of things I didn't get done this weekend : finish the walls in the bathroom, rake the backyard........all of which will have to wait since I'm going on a 2 hour bike ride instead.

Sometimes, when the weather is just right, the area around Northfield looks surprising a lot like northern Italy.


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